Friskis och Svettis Ängelholm
An outdoor gym next to an indoor gym
In spring 2022, Friskis & Svettis indoor gym in Ängelholm wanted to build a gym experience also to the outdoors. The project was carried out in collaboration with the municipality, the Gripen Foundation and Friskis & Svettis, which jointly financed the outdoor gym. The outdoor facility is equipped with five different equipment: Low Row, Squat, Core Rack, Incline Bench Press and Front Press.
The former wooden outdoor gym at Friskis & Svettis in Valhalla had become unusable, which led to a search for a new alternative. One day, Ellinor, training manager at Friskis & Svettis, walked past an outdoor gym in Vejbystrand and was impressed by Omnigym's outdoor gym. It allowed for easy adjustments to the weight resistance and thus met their needs. In the video below the people from Friskis & Svettis talk (in Swedish) about the project.
For funding, Friskis & Svettis sought support from Ängeholm municipality and the Gripen Foundation. The Gripen Foundation endeavours to contribute to society and was an important financier of the project. The Gripen Foundation is a non-profit foundation in north-west Skåne. The foundation's assets are used to benefit the inhabitants of the region through the distribution of grants, which in various ways promote the development and well-being of the community.

The co-operation with Omnigym has been perfect all the way. When you have been a little worried about things yourself, there is always someone there who is safe and has an overview of the situation. From what we would choose for equipment until the installation is completed and also the aftermarket, i.e. service and how we should manage it in the best way. Absolutely fantastic.
If you'd like to know more about outdoor gyms